Van Allen Day Welcome Reception McIlwain, Ness

Early registration and welcome reception

October 8, 2004, Sheraton, Iowa City, Iowa
Photos provided by Abigail Foerstner and Arthur Caudy

Van Allen Hall lecture1

Lectures in Van Allen Hall

October 9, 2004, the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

Photos provided by Abigail Foerstner and Arthur Caudy

Van Allen - Macbride Auditorium

Public Lecture

Macbride Auditorium, 4 p.m., Oct. 9, 2004

Van Allen Day - Banquet 3


Richey Ballroom, Iowa Memorial Union, UI campus, Oct. 9, 2004

James Van Allen and Peter Van Allen

Addtional Photos from Van Allen Day

Photos courtesy of Herb Sauer and Chuck Wende